I welcome you all to my inspirational blog

...it all started with this inspirational blog that led me to writing my book:

"It’s not about putting your foot behind your ear -Living an Inspired Life/A personal journey of transformation through yoga"

I will on a regular basis post excerpts of my forthcoming book on this blog. Feel free to follow along, enjoy my writing, and give me feedback. Come, be my travel companion on this inspirational journey!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Feelings versus Emotions

Emotions are sensations in the body that can be triggered by memories, thoughts, external stimuli and they can change our physical state. Emotion has a “story” attached to it; there is a physical aspect as well as a psychological aspect; they control our thinking, behavior and actions.
The two basic emotions are love and fear. All other emotions, thoughts and behaviors are variations of these two. Anxiety, anger, control, sadness, depression, inadequacy, confusion, hurt, loneliness, guilt, shame, are all fear-based emotions. Joy, happiness, caring, trust, compassion, truth, contentment, satisfaction, are love-based emotions.
A pure, not self-conscious state is considered a feeling.
We “feel” joy for example when we look at a baby, when we are absorbed in the moment, such as watching a beautiful sunset. A feeling is something more direct, something sensory sometimes. A feeling is something we can identify. SSP

~ Let's not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it. ~ Vincent Van Gogh

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