I welcome you all to my inspirational blog

...it all started with this inspirational blog that led me to writing my book:

"It’s not about putting your foot behind your ear -Living an Inspired Life/A personal journey of transformation through yoga"

I will on a regular basis post excerpts of my forthcoming book on this blog. Feel free to follow along, enjoy my writing, and give me feedback. Come, be my travel companion on this inspirational journey!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Meditation –

When I first started meditation practice many years ago I thought that by doing it all my conditions, suffering, past hurts, would just go away and I simply would become centered and serene.
Over time I realized that sitting means to sit still WITH all of it, allowing it to be as it is, accepting it and not needing to change anything about it. NO, I don’t have to fix anything. What a relief!
By just sitting with whatever it is, being present in this very moment and with consistency, simply accepting it overtime issues dissolve, burn up, strip away.
Awareness is the answer, acceptance and sticking with our practice, turning this awareness inward. That way spaciousness is created as well as clarity, that in turn opens the door to compassion, first towards ourselves, then towards others.

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